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سن تو سہی ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1162 Replies:0 
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بیٹے کے نام پرسوز خط ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1151 Replies:0 
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اب امریکہ اور ایران کی قرابتیں کیوں؟ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1171 Replies:0 
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اس صدی میں جو ہو جائے وہ کم ہے ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1178 Replies:0 
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~Nelson Mandila,Africa Ka MAHATMA~Muhammad Abbas Khan
Posted By: Muhammad_Abbas_Khan On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1190 Replies:0 
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تجارتی راہداریاں اور ہمارےمفادات۔محمدعباس خان
Posted By: Muhammad_Abbas_Khan On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1202 Replies:0 
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بابا کے بغیر بیٹھک ۔ پروفیسر حماد خان
Posted By: DailyRavi On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1225 Replies:0 
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Love of Dolls By: Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1382 Replies:0 
I stared deep in to her hazel eyes; Click here to read Full Article
Muzakraat by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1094 Replies:0 
The Chairman PESS says that "nowhere he has seen the media being given that kind of freedom to discuss the substance of the parleys taking place between the govt. and the extremists". And, I say “nowhere is seen any parleys taking place between a legit govt. and the lawless extremists and terrorists challenging the writ of the govt. that blatantly. Parleys are always held between more or less th Click here to read Full Article
Amjad malik congratulates Pak youth for breaking world record
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1318 Replies:0 
Apl chair barrister Amjad malik congratulated Pakistan youth on breaking the Guinness book of world record by orchestrating the biggest human flag on Saturday 15 feb 2014. Click here to read Full Article
Nepal’s ill-fated planes: plane crash kills everyone on board by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1217 Replies:0 
All 18 people aboard a small plane that crashed in bad weather in Nepal were killed on Sunday, the 16th February. The announcement came after searchers battled heavy rain and harsh winds to reach the rugged site the day after the event. Click here to read Full Article
Endless road to Turkey's EU accession! by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1114 Replies:0 
It is unfortunate that Turkey is getting frustrated by the way some European nations misbehave with it in denying its legitimate entry into the EU as an European nation. They oppose Turkey because it is a Muslim nation and do not want to be part of EU which is prominently of Christian. They even suggest to Istanbul to join the Mideast for grater cohesion and affinity among Muslim nations of that Click here to read Full Article
How to Make Sense, Out of Nonsense? by How to Make Sense, Out of Nonsense?
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1196 Replies:0 
Secretive peace talks between PM Nawaz Sharif Government and Taharak Taliban Pakistan (TTP) groups overflowing conspicuous media headlines hardly tell the truth full of hatred and fear of the unknown. Both represent willing suspicion of disbelief that talks could render peace which none have to offer? After political fanfare, Sharif appeared vulnerable to credibility gimmick lingering to his past Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: APL On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1767 Replies:0 
WE condemn intimidation of journalists in Pakistan , Barrister Amjad Malik Click here to read Full Article
بی بی آمنہ کی قبرِمُبارک پرحجرہ تعمیرکرنےکی درخواست
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1397 Replies:0 
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Germany's anger over Zionist illegal settlement expansionism by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1138 Replies:0 
Germany today stands for EU and is a part of UNSC extra veto regime (P5*plus) and its opposition to Israel has made things too difficult for an essentially fascist Israel. Click here to read Full Article
Changing Indian politics: Kejriwal invites anti-corruption leaders to join Aam Aadmi team work by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1305 Replies:0 
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) wants honest politicians and social activists across the country to join its fold and help the one year-old entity grow rapidly into a serious third political alternative in the country, senior leader Yogendra Yadav said. Click here to read Full Article
Changing Indian Politics: Aam Aadmi Party for Parliament -2 by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1122 Replies:0 
It is a fact that Aam Aadmi Party is not a political party of traditional sense of the phrase suggests. Unlike the other political parties where leaders while enjoying all privileges and the resources they manage to loot with help from agents, expect the people to serve them with full dedication, the Aam Aadmi Party considers the members of the party to serve the people, work only for their welfar Click here to read Full Article
Safia Maryam: The Poetess of Love By: Dr.Maqsood Jafri New York
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1278 Replies:0 
Last year I visited Toronto, Canada to participate in a conference arranged by Family of the Heart. Eminent poet and critic Mr. Tasleem Elahi Zulfi asked me to preside over a poetry evening being held at his residence. I conceded to his sweet wish and felt humbled and honored. It was a galaxy of prominent columnists, short story writers, poets and critics of Urdu. The people like Mr. Ikram Brailvi Click here to read Full Article
Military Operation by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 21/Feb/2014 Views:1125 Replies:0 
The inevitable has struck and the Muzakraats which were doomed to meet the fate they have met have come to a halt and the govt. has ordered to launch the Military operation in the NWA. The Interior Minister in his press conference gave elaborate details of the Click here to read Full Article

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